Course Descriptions

Course Name Prerequisites Credits Minimum Grades and Prerequisites
EE453 - Seminar on Teaching in Early Childhood Education 1 Passing Praxis II. This course is taken only after all other course work is completed.
EN100 - Introduction to Freshman Composition 3 Grade of "C" or higher
EN101 - Freshman Composition EN100 3 Grade of "C" or higher
EN102 - Argument and Research EN101 3 Grade of "C" or higher
EN103 - Honors Writing Seminar EN100 3 Grade of "C" or higher
EN105 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking EN101 3 Grade of "C" or higher
EN115 - Honors Public Speaking 3 EN101 and admission to the honors college.
EN201 - Experiences in Literature 3 EN102 or EN103
EN202 - Major British Authors I 3 EN102 or EN103
EN203 - Major British Authors II 3 EN102 or EN103
EN204 - Major American Authors I 3 EN102 or EN103
EN205 - Major American Authors II 3 EN102 or EN103
EN206 - Continental European Literature 3 EN102 or EN103
EN209 - Introduction to African American Literature 3 EN 102 with a grade of "C" or higher
EN212 - Drama Appreciation 3 EN102 or EN103
EN213 - Performance Studies 3
EN215 - Business Communication 3 EN102 with a grade of “C” or better.
EN217 - Immigrants in America: Cultures in Collision, Conflict, Community EN102 3
EN220 - American Women Writers 3 EN102 or EN103
EN221 - Seminar in Literary Studies EN103 3
EN222 - Sport Literature and Communications EN101, EN102 3
EN223 - Environmental Storytelling: Activism 3
EN224- - Writing Center Practicum 0 or 1
EN230 - Creative Writing 3 EN102 or EN103
EN230A - Creative Writing 3 EN102 or EN103
EN230B - Creative Writing 3 EN102 or EN103
EN230C - Creative Writing 3 EN102 or EN103
EN231 - Technical and Professional Writing 3 EN102 or EN103 with a grade of “C” or better.
EN232 - Creative Writing Prose/Hybrid/Graphic 3 EN102 or EN103
EN240 - Introduction to Film Studies 3 EN102 or EN103