Course Descriptions

Course Name Prerequisites Credits Minimum Grades and Prerequisites
CJ498 - Senior Seminar CJ497 3 Successful completion of CJ497 with a grade of “C” or better, Successful completion of MA200, Criminal Justice major, final semester of college or Criminal Justice work, and all other Criminal Justice courses completed or in the process of completion
CM103 - Narratives Across Media EN100 3
CM105 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking EN101 3
CM115 - Honors Public Speaking 3 EN101 and admission to the honors college.
CM120 - Introduction to Graphic Design AR103 3
CM220 - Typography and Visual Communication AR103 3
CM315 - Editing and Publishing 3 English 101, EN 102, CM 103, or any 200-level Communications, or English course, or by permission of the instructor.
CM320 - Graphic Design III 3 AR103, 120 or 220.
CM404 - Technology for Teachers 3
CM404A - Powerpoint for Teachers 3
CM404B - Excel for Teachers 3
CM404C - Word for Teachers 3
CM404F - Publisher for Teachers 3
CM404K - Integrating 21st Century Technology In The Classroom 3
CM404L - iPads for Teachers 3
CM404M - Google for Teachers 3
CM404N - Google Classroom for Teachers 3
CM404O - Tech Tips for Teachers 3
CM410 - Digital Communication I AR110 3
CM412 - Digital Communication II CM410 3
CM490 - Communication Internship CM410 3
CS105 - Introduction to Computer Science EN100 3
CS201 - Operating Systems and Networking Fundamentals CS105 3
CS205 - Programming I: Imperative Programming CS105 3
CS206 - Programming II: Object Oriented Programming CS205 3
CS207 - Cryptography and Access Control CS105 3
CS208 - Communications and Network Security CS201 3
CS220 - C# Programming CS105 3
CS234 - Web Page Development CS105 3
CS303 - Programming III: Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures CS206 3