Course Descriptions

Course Name Prerequisites Credits Minimum Grades and Prerequisites
FI600 - Corporate Financial Management AC600 3
FR101 - Elementary French I 3 Enrollment is limited to students who have had no prior training in French or with permission of the instructor.
FR102 - Elementary French II 3 FR101, prior training in French, or permission of the instructor.
FR201 - Intermediate French I 3 2 semesters of college French or 2 or more years of high school French or permission of the instructor.
FR202 - Intermediate French II FR201 3 or permission of the instructor.
GE211 - Economic Geography 3
HC201 - Health Care Delivery in the United States 3
HC210 - Ethics and Professionalism in Health Care EN100 3
HC215 - Global Health 3
HC301 - Health Care Finance AC207, AC208, FI312 3
HC304 - Health Care Economics EC203 3
HC306 - Epidemiology and Public Health 3 MA200, grade C or better.
HC310 - Health Care Information Systems 3
HC311 - Health Care Policy and Politics 3
HC315 - Health Care Law 3
HC410 - Health Care Quality Management and Outcome Analysis MA200, MG300 3
HC452 - Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations AC207, AC208, MG215, MG300, FI312, EC203, HC201, HC301, HC304, HC315 3
HC490 - Health Care Internship: 3 credits 3 Internships require junior or senior status, a minimum 2.8 grade point average, and recommendations from two Business Administration/ Health Care Administration department professors.
HC491 - Health Care Internship: 6 credits 6 Internships require junior or senior status, a minimum 2.8 grade point average, and recommendations from two Business Administration/Health Care Administration department professors.
HC520 - Healthcare Policy 3
HC601 - Healthcare Delivery in the United States 3
HC610 - Healthcare Information Systems 3
HC620 - Healthcare Ethics/Legal 3
HC650 - Healthcare Leadership and Change 3
HI110 - World Civilization I 3
HI111 - World Civilization II 3
HI112 - United States History I 3
HI113 - United States History II 3
HI214 - Non-Western Civilizations 3
HI303 - Critical Issues of the New Millennium 3