Course Descriptions

Course Name Prerequisites Credits Minimum Grades and Prerequisites
SB452 - Sport Business Senior Seminar SB306 3 SB 306 Sport Finance and Economics
SB490 - Sport Business Internship SB400 6 or 12 SB 400 Sport Management and Organization
SB494 - Sport Business Internship 3 Senior status Sport Business Major with minimum 2.5 GPA and approval from the faculty sponsor.
SB580 - Foundations in Sport Business 3 MG 520; MK 530
SB620 - Sport Business Analytics 3 SB 580; MA 550
SB650 - Contemporary Issues in Sport Business 3 SM 580; FI 600
SC101 - Physical Geology 4
SC130 - Planets, Stars, and Galaxies MA110 4
SC201 - Science and Religion 3
SC203 - Great Themes of Science 3
SO201 - Introduction to Sociology 3
SO202 - Contemporary Social Problems 3
SP101 - Elementary Spanish I 3
SP102 - Elementary Spanish II 3 SP101 or Prior Training in Spanish or Permission of Instructor
SP105 - Conversational Spanish 3
SP201 - Intermediate Spanish I 3 2 Semesters of College Spanish or Permission of Instructor
SP202 - Intermediate Spanish II 3 SP201 or Permission of Instructor
SW101 - Introduction to the Helping Professions 3
SW110 - Social Justice through Music 3
SW203 - Introduction to Social Work as a Profession 3
SW204 - Social Welfare Programs and Policy 3
SW205 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment I 3
SW206 - The Influence of Sexual Factors on Behavior 3
SW207 - Gerontology 3
SW208 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment II 3
SW209 - Practice with Culturally Diverse Populations 3
SW210 - Interpersonal Violence 3
SW212 - Child Maltreatment and Family Preservation 3
SW214 - Out of Home Care and Permanency Planning 3
SW230 - Social Work Ethics 3