Course Descriptions

Course Name Prerequisites Credits Minimum Grades and Prerequisites
EN302 - Shakespeare 3 Any 200-level English course.
EN305 - Introduction to the British Novel 3 Any 200-level English course.
EN306 - Victorian Literature 3 Any 200-level English course.
EN310 - Contemporary Literature of the Non-Western World 3 Any 200-level English course.
EN312 - Southern American Literature 3 Any 200-level English course.
EN315 - Editing and Publishing 3 EN102 or EN103
EN324 - Literary Criticism 3 EN102 or EN103
EN326 - Advanced Composition, Creative Nonfiction 3 EN102 or EN103
EN327 - Studies in English Language 3 EN102 or EN103
EN329 - Literature for the Adolescent 3
EN331 - Studies in Contemporary Drama 3 EN102 or EN103
EN340 - Topics in Film 3 EN102 or EN103
EN409 - 20th Century African American Literature 3 200-level literature course
EN416 - Studies in Modern Poetry 3 Any 200-level English course.
EN418 - Studies in Modern Fiction 3 Any 200-level English course.
EN430 - Methods of Teaching Language Arts in the Secondary School 3 Passing Praxis Core.
EN452 - Clinical Practice 12 Passing Praxis II. Generally, this course is taken only after all other course work is completed. Exceptions to this rule may be made by the Teacher Education Committee.
EN490 - English Internship 3 Internships require senior status and a minimum 2.5 grade point average.
EN495 - Senior Project 3 Senior status and permission of the instructor.
FI214 - Financial Literacy 3
FI306 - Sport Finance and Economics SB100, EC203, FI312 3 FI 312 with a grade of "C" or higher
FI307 - Money and Banking EC203, EC204 3
FI312 - Business Finance AC207 3
FI333 - Intermediate Financial Management FI312 3 FI 312 with a grade of "C" or higher
FI334 - Investments FI312 3 FI 312 with a grade of "C" or higher.
FI335 - Investment Fund Management FI312 3 FI 312 with a grade of "C" or higher.
FI340 - International Finance FI312 3 FI 312 with a grade of "C" or higher.
FI400 - Financial Policy FI333 3
FI435 - Portfolio Management FI335 1
FI490 - Finance Internship 3 or 6 Junior or Senior status, a minimum 2.8 GPA, and a letter of recommendation from an accounting, finance or economics professor.