Kinesiology - Exercise Science

Program Type
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

This program develops students who are knowledgeable and skilled in the areas of exercise physiology, kinesiology/biomechanics and behavioral studies in physical activity.  These students will be well-prepared to pursue graduate degrees and specialty certifications and to seek employment in exercise and sport settings.

Degree Requirements

  1. Limestone's required Competency & General Education courses
  2. A total of 120 credit hours
  3. Required cours list below (76 to 87 credit hours)
  4. Choose 1: KI 327 or KI 340 (3 credit hours)
  5. Kinesiology courses at 300 or above level from: KI303, 327, 340, 400, 410, 440, 495. 
    • KI493 may be taken as a 6 hour credit to count the 3 additional credit hours towards this requirement. 
  6. Choose 3 approved electives from: BI 102, CH 111 and lab; PH 202, HS 101, 215, 280, 281, or 306; PS204 or 306; SO 201 or 202; KI281.
    • Additional KI300 or above level courses can be taken towards this requirement. 

***Students wishing to attend graduate school should speak with their advisor to identify prerequisite courses.***

*Courses for numbers 5 and 6 must be can not be duplicated.

* This major includes one AWE course (3 credit hours)

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04/09/2024 - 16:15