
Program Type
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

This program of study allows students to pursue studies in British, American, African-American, and Non-Western literature as well as studies in Drama. In addition to studies in literature, Creative Writing and Technical Writing courses allow students to construct a well-rounded curriculum that emphasizes the importance of communication in everyday life and in the workplace. Students also have the opportunity to incorporate a Writing Concentration with their degree in English to develop their written communication skills across various genres of writing. 

Related Occupations

Many English majors choose careers in writing; they may work for newspapers, magazines, publishing companies, public relations or advertising firms, non-profit organizations, or corporations. Many television and radio personalities begin their careers as English majors. English majors also are qualified for the increasing number of openings for technical writers.

Degree Requirements

  1. Limestone's required Competency & General Education courses
  2. A total of 120 credit hours
  3. The required courses listed below (15 credit hours)
  4. Additional English Courses from EN202 or 203, EN204 or 205, EN230,232 or 326, EN305 or 416, EN310 or 311, EN331 or 418 (18 credit hours)
  5. Two Foreign Language courses in the same language (6 credit hours)

* This major includes five AWE courses (15 credit hours)

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05/07/2024 - 13:39