Attendance Policy

Day/Hybrid Classes

Students are expected to attend all classes.  For unexcused absences, the student’s grade may be penalized as specified in the course syllabus. A student will only be excused from class to fulfill military duty, for verified health reasons, for university-sanctioned events, and/or for death of an immediate family member or close friend as defined below. Course instructors will determine what constitutes a reasonable time to make up the assignments, tests, or examinations missed. If a student is going to miss a graded assignment, they must make arrangements with the professor prior to missing class and/or assignment.

Online Campus

Students are expected to communicate with the professor frequently. In the

Online Program, students are required to participate in Canvas at least once a week; the mode of contact is determined by the instructor.

  • Modes of contact for online classes include but are not limited to email, online submission of an assignment, online discussion, or virtual face-to-face discussion.
  • If after two consecutive weeks a student fails to have any activity in a course, the student may be assigned a grade of “F” at the end of the course.

Categories of Excused Absences: [Note: Student documentation for excused absences must be submitted to the Office of the Provost for verification and validation.]  

  1. Military Duties.

Limestone University will excuse military students from attending classes or engaging in other mandatory activities, including tests or examinations, in order for students to fulfill their military obligations. This applies to any student required to attend or participate in military service, duty, training, or disaster relief efforts, and applies without distinction to a student's status as a member of the active component, reserve component, or National Guard.

  • Course instructors will determine what constitutes a reasonable time to make up the assignments, tests, or examinations missed by reason of military service on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the nature of the individual student's military obligations and academic responsibilities.
  1. Health Reasons.

A written statement is required from a qualified health professional, on their letterhead, dated and signed. Confidential medical information should not be included. The statement should state the health professional’s recommendation for absence from class, with a beginning date and anticipated end date. This may be coordinated with the Limestone Health Center or directly with the Office of the Provost.

  • If accommodations cannot be made, and there is a sufficient reason for a student to withdraw for a semester for health reasons, they may consider doing so in keeping with the Withdrawal – Medical/Emergency Policy in the Student Handbook.
  1. University Sanctioned Events.

The Office of the Provost and faculty are notified of expected absences for student participation. This may be coordinated directly with the Office of the Provost.

  • Excused absences do not alleviate the student from completing and submitting work within defined timelines established by the instructor.
  • If accommodations cannot be made, and there is a sufficient reason for a student to withdraw for a semester, they may consider doing so in keeping with the Withdrawal – Medical/Emergency Policy in the Student Handbook.
  1. Death of an Immediate Family Member or Close Friend.

Please visit the Student Bereavement Policy in the university catalog. Documentation may be requested. This may be coordinated directly with the Office of the Provost.

  • If accommodations cannot be made, and there is a sufficient reason for a student to withdraw for a semester, they may consider doing so in keeping with the Withdrawal – Medical/Emergency Policy in the Student Handbook.

Unexcused Absences.

Unexcused absences include but are not limited to the following:

  • Late arrival to campus at the beginning of a semester, or early departure from campus before exams are completed.
    • All dates are clearly stated on the website and transportation arrangements should be made accordingly.

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Last modified
06/03/2024 - 15:39