Teacher Education Program

Goals of the Teacher Education Program

  1. To provide prospective teachers with a broad background of general knowledge and skills as a basis for the development of cultural literacy in their students.
  2. To provide prospective teachers with the professional courses and experiences that will form the philosophical, psychological, sociological, historical, and methodological bases of teaching and learning.
  3. To provide prospective teachers with effective models, methods, strategies, materials, and technological resources for teaching and learning.
  4. To provide prospective teachers with the knowledge and skills to provide current and accurate content for learners, as well as the knowledge and ability to use instructional strategies to facilitate learning for students of varying abilities and backgrounds.
  5. To provide prospective teachers with the knowledge and experiences to successfully complete the ADEPT evaluation process.

NOTE: Students must pass Praxis Core before enrolling in any methods class or education course numbered 301 or above.

Admission to the Teacher Education Program
In order for a student to gain admission to the Teacher Education Degree program, he/she must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Submit passing scores on the Core Academic Skills for Educators as required by the State of South Carolina. Praxis Core is a test of basic skills. According to state law, a student must pass this test before being admitted to the Teacher Education Program. All students, even college graduates, must pass Praxis Core or have the appropriate ACT/SAT scores to be exempt.
  2. Successfully complete Education 200. Graduates of the Teacher Cadet Program receive transfer credit for Education 200.
  3. Complete 45 semester hours of college credit with a cumulative Grade Point Ratio of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
  4. Submit with the application three letters of recommendation or reference forms, one each from a professor of general education, a professor in education, and a public school professional.
  5. Gain approval by the faculty of the academic division of Limestone in which the degree program is administered.
  6. Gain approval from the Teacher Education Committee.

Application for Clinical Practice
Candidates seeking teacher certification must successfully complete courses in general education, professional education, and the area of specialization. Prior to the application for entrance into the Clinical Practice Program, students should successfully complete institutional requirements in verbal and quantitative skills.

Early Childhood, Elementary, secondary, and K-12 majors, as a rule, will complete all methods courses, all professional education courses, and all major teaching subject courses prior to the semester of clinical practice. Candidates must receive the grade of “C” or better in all professional education, mathematics, and area of specialization courses.

Candidates must pass the required Praxis II content area examinations and the required Principles of Learning and Teaching examination by the specified deadline date prior to the add/drop deadline in the semester of clinical practice. In addition to completing required courses, students applying for entrance into clinical practice must submit a formal application to the Teacher Education Committee. Students are required by South Carolina law to submit by the deadline date prior to clinical practice an SC, an IBT electronic fingerprint scan, and the application fee. Please see the Teacher Education Handbook for additional policies and required forms.

The SC application for educator packet is available on the SC Department of Education Website.

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Last modified
03/28/2024 - 08:51