Graduate Graduation Requirements
To graduate with a master’s degree from Limestone University, a student must successfully complete a minimum of 30 credit hours and the requisite degree program requirements with a minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA). Any undergraduate course required to begin the program will not count toward the respective graduate program's minimum credit hours or the GPA. Limestone University may credit toward a graduate degree up to 20% of the program from another accredited graduate institution upon approval of the appropriate Program Director and/or Academic Dean. Only courses for which the student received a grade of B or higher may be transferred. Additionally, all transfer credits must meet the same program term limits as graduate credits earned at Limestone University.
Graduation with honors
To be eligible for honors at graduation a student must:
- Complete 30 semester hours at Limestone University toward a master’s degree.
- Attain the following Grade Point Average on all Limestone University work.
- Summa Cum Laude 3.95 to 4.0
- Magna Cum Laude 3.75 to 3.94
- Cum Laude 3.50-3.74
Limestone University Graduation Process
Limestone University holds graduation ceremonies in May and December. A student may apply for graduation up to a year in advance.
The Application for Degree
It is the responsibility of each student to complete the Application for Degree form. The Application for Degree form must be completed by February 15 for May graduation and by October 1 for December graduation.
The graduation form can be found on the LC Portal. The order form for the cap and gown is also included and must be completed as well. Once the graduation form is submitted, the registrar will review all course requirements for that student. After the review, the registrar will issue a degree audit that will contain any missing required coursework. The letter will also show the graduation day that the student has been assigned.
A graduation fee of $150, which includes application, cap/gown/graduate hood, tassel, diploma with cover and one official transcript, will be assessed to all students who have applied for the upcoming graduation. The deadline for May graduation is February 15th; for December, it is October 1st. Applications will be accepted after these dates, up to one month prior to graduation, but late applications will incur a $100 non-refundable late fee, for a total fee of $225.
If for any reason, a student does not complete his or her requirements for the assigned graduation, the application may be transferred to the next ceremony without additional fees. A student's application may be transferred only one time. After that, the student must reapply and pay a $35 fee to cover the cost of an updated diploma.
Fulfillment of Degree Requirements
Limestone University's awarding of a degree is conditional upon completed coursework with appropriate GPA, the satisfaction of all financial obligations, and compliance with university policies.
Student Responsibilities: All universities establish certain requirements which must be met before a degree is granted. These regulations concern such matters as curricula and courses, majors, and campus residence requirements. Faculty and advisors will make every effort to inform students concerning these requirements, but students themselves are ultimately responsible for being acquainted with regulations and procedures as stated in this Catalog, Student Handbook, and other official publications of the university. For these reasons, it is important for students to be familiar with these publications and remain informed throughout their university careers.