The Limestone University Library
The staff, collections, and equipment of Limestone’s Library are an integral part of Limestone’s instructional program, with a goal of educating students to be independent, lifelong learners. All first-year students receive instruction in use of the library, and specialized instruction (both face-to-face and online) for other course work is offered to many classes. The library offers traditional and online research assistance and inter-library loan services. As a member of several consortiums, the library provides expanded services to its patrons including quick access to over 12 million titles within South Carolina.
The library provides wireless internet access, 32 computer stations, and laptops (and iPads) that can be checked out for in-house use. The library also provides audio visual materials including many popular movie titles in DVD format, and equipment such as LCD projectors and flip cams. In addition, a curriculum laboratory is located in the library, supporting the teacher education program.
The library currently maintains access to over 1,180,000 physical and electronic resources (print books, e- books, e-videos) and provides access to over 530,000 full-text journals and 217 research databases. Library resources are available 24/7 through the library's website ( The site includes links to the library’s online discovery platform, electronic book collections, research databases, research guides, library policies, tutorials, forms for inter-library loan requests, and various ways to contact the library staff for help via the library’s Ask a Librarian service, including online chat service with a librarian, SMS (texting) and email, in addition to phone assistance. The Ask A Librarian Knowledge base is available 24/7. Please visit the library's Ask A Librarian link for more information (
Also accessible from the library website is the Limestone University Digital Collections (Shared Shelf) which houses our Student Works Collections (including video recordings of student presentations and student creative and research works), and the Student Research and Presentations Symposium information page which includes archives of past Student Symposium presentations.
The Library on the main campus is available to all members of the University community for library services. The library building hours* are as follows, with the exception of summer, exam periods, and holiday hours which vary and will be posted:
Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:30a.m – 2:00 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 4-10 p.m.
*Hours may be subject to change.
The Limestone LCard serves as the library card. All students must present their LCard at the circulation desk at the time books are checked out, or to borrow reserved materials, laptops, and other materials.
Students may loan print materials from the general circulating collection. For more information on the library’s loan policies, see here.
Any student who loses, damages, or fails to return library materials will be fined according to the policies listed on the library’s website. Theft or removal of library items without checking them out first is a serious offense. Please refer to the library’s policies on theft of library materials.
Contact Numbers:
Toll-free phone: (800) 795-7151
Main Phone: (864) 488-4612
Director: (864) 488-4610