Course Information

Course numbers are designed to indicate the level of the content of the course. Generally, subjects numbered 100 and 200 are introductory courses. Subjects numbered 300 and 400 are advanced courses.

Courses which are offered in the Honors Program state "This course may be offered for Honors credit." and AWE Writing intensive courses state "This course is writing intensive." in the course description.

Courses extending throughout the academic year are indicated by two numbers connected by a hyphen (101-102). Courses which have two numbers separated by a comma (101,102) indicate that the first semester is prerequisite for the second except by special permission of the instructor and approval of the Provost. Credit hours are listed following each course description. Course prerequisite(s) as stated within each course description is/are the required prerequisite (s) for the course.

Freshmen are not allowed to take 300-400 level courses without the permission of the instructor.

All courses in the catalog may be offered either in the classroom or on the internet.

All courses which are 100-level or above are intended to be eligible for transfer.

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Last modified
10/18/2023 - 15:55